

我们鼓励你阅读MCCC学生手册来熟悉这些资源和信息, 并在您作为哈士奇犬期间需要详细说明或信息时返回.

Welcome and General Information

We are happy you are here! Be sure to read through Dr. 并使用MCCC学生手册的这一部分来熟悉我们的设施, the many departments and staff that are here to serve you, and how to reach them. 

What matters most at Monroe County 社区 College? 你!

十大外围app,没有什么比学生的成功更重要. Students are at the core of the MCCC Mission. Our mission states that “十大外围app通过以学生为中心提供机会,丰富了我们社区的生活, 负担得起的, quality higher education and other learning experiences.” We are committed to putting students first in everything that we do.

我们的第一价值观是“以学生为中心”,我们将在所有的努力中以此为动力. It is all about you, the student. 我们想让你知道,我们真的重视和关心你,我们希望你成功. As a result, we want to help you achieve your goals, hopes, dreams and aspirations.

All of us at MCCC look forward to helping you nurture your dreams and aspirations. 我们想激励你去实现你的梦想,找到你的声音,相信自己. 生活是你自己创造的,你的选择将决定你生活的方向. We at MCCC will help you shape that.

Thank you for choosing Monroe County 社区 College; you are well on your way to success.


科乔一个. Quartey, Ph值.D.

President Monroe County 社区 College

Dr. Quartey references MCCC's Mission in his welcome letter. 我们的愿景和价值观支持并展示了我们每天如何实现这一使命,并使我们专注于您和您的成功. 

MCCC Mission, Vision & 值

In addition to the information provided below, the searchable 目录搜索 在大学网站的大多数页面顶部都可以找到工具,这些工具可以很好地将你与院系和办公室联系起来. 联系 Boxes with location, 工作时间和联系方式出现在网站上每个部门或办公室页面的底部. 

The departments listed below generally have the following hours during the 秋天和冬天 学期. (Summer hours vary. 请在相应部门的联系栏中查看最新信息.)

周一 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 星期五 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

  • 招生 & 指导服务 734.384.4104
  • 收银员 734.384.4231
  • 金融援助 734.384.4135

校园商店 (Warrick Student Center) 734.384.4140 星期一至星期五 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

图书馆 您可以在坎贝尔学术中心的图书馆亲自获得帮助 MCCC图书馆聊天, 电话 (734)-384-4204 and Ask a Librarian email. 看到 MCCC 图书馆 小时 and Location for up-to-date details.

Student Success Center: (Founders Hall) 734.384.4167

测试中心: (Founders Hall) 734.384.4144 星期一至星期四 8 a.m.. - 6 p.m. 星期五 8 a.m. ——中午




Virtual Campus Tour



Named for MCCC’s first president, Dr. 罗纳德•坎贝尔, and renovated and expanded in 2022, the Campbell Academic Center is the focal point of the campus. 这座两层的建筑包含教室、教师办公室、图书馆和一个小剧场.


60,000平方英尺的职业技术中心提供与应用科学和工程技术课程相关的课程. 它提供基础设施,以支持最先进的教室和实验室空间,提供必要的指导和技能,以确保高增长, high-demand and high-paying jobs.


Founders Hall opened in 2020 and was designed with student success in mind, featuring state-of-the-art learning environments and enhanced student 服务s. It is home to the Student Success Center, where students can access 辅导 and Learning Assistance 服务s, Disability 服务 和 测试中心. It features multiple small group study rooms and collaborative seating areas, state-of-the-art classrooms, a large open computer space,open tutoring space and more. Founders Hall is also home to the college’s Business, Computer Information Systems, Graphic Design and Art programs.


Named for MCCC’s second president, the Gerald Welch Health Education Building houses the Practical Nursing, Registered Nursing, PN to RN and Respiratory Therapy programs and 实验室. It also is home to MCCC’s physical education courses. The facility also features a large multi-purpose room/gymnasium, dance-aerobics room 和 健身中心.


La-Z-Boy中心为学生和社区提供了令人兴奋的机会,并且足够灵活,可以满足三个同等重要的需求-文化艺术节目, customized training for business and industry, and unparalleled space for community activities and conferences. 位于La-Z-Boy中心的575个座位的Meyer剧院允许各种需要高端照明的表演, 良好的生产, set design and staging.


The Life Sciences Building houses programs, 实验室, classrooms and offices related to the physical and natural sciences. 它也是学院早期儿童教育和基础教育项目的所在地. The building also contains two small, auditorium-type lecture halls and a climate-controlled greenhouse. A 2,500平方英尺的学生协作空间最近被添加到个人和小组学习设施中.


The Warrick Student Center is home to the Office of 招生 and Guidance, the Registrar’s Office, 金融援助 Office, and other administrative offices, as weel as the 校园商店, 餐厅, student lounge and recreation area, community-use conference rooms also used as classrooms, culinary arts classrooms, Student Government room, Safe Space/Multicultural Student Center and a beautiful courtyard. 

MCCC使用文本, 电话, email emergency alert system in the rare instance of a need to close the college. It is highly recommended students register for this important 紧急警报 服务.

根据1965年高等教育法规定的联邦法规, 某些学生消费信息必须提供给十大外围app的所有学生 Student Consumer Information page of the college's website.

本页包含的信息从有关学院的一般信息到有关健康和安全的信息, policies and procedures, student financial assistance and student outcomes. Also included on this page is the Annual Security Report.

Resources and 服务 for Students

Your success is important to us. MCCC为学生提供广泛的服务和资源,以支持你在课堂上和整个高等教育过程中的努力. We encourage you to visit and bookmark the 十大靠谱网投平台 page 网站的 where much of the information provided below can also be found. 

在MCCC, we are serious about providing a safe campus for our students, employees and visitors; our security staff is comprised of individuals with extensive law enforcement and/or security experience and knowledge. 你会看到他们穿着红衬衫在校园里走来走去,开着一辆标有“安全服务”的车在校园里巡逻.” 

In addition to institutional safety procedures, 鼓励学生和工作人员对自己和他人的安全负责,并报告所有可疑活动.

犯罪统计/年度安全(法律)报告可在 安全服务 page 网站的.

Emergency and closing alerts are issued via text, 如遇紧急情况或与安全有关的情况或恶劣天气,请致电或发电子邮件并在学院网站上公布.

在校园内停车 是免费的, 但请避免将车停在残障人士或教职员工专用的车位. 

Reporting an emergency on campus by calling (734) 457-6007, the Switchboard (dial 0) or calling 911. In addition, there are several blue security stations located throughout campus. 

Safety Tips can be found in the Quick Links and drop down menu section of the 安全服务 page 网站的. 

Sexual Harassment, Civil Rights and Americans with Disabilities Act Concerns should be brought to the attention of MCCC’s Title IX Coordinator, the director of human resources, at (734) 384-4245. The HR Office is located in S-138.

Timely Warnings information, as required by Clery Act, can be found in the drop down menu section of the 安全服务 page 网站的. 

Rights and Responsibilities

Being a student at MCCC is a privilege. With that privilege comes certain rights as well as responsibilities.

Student Rights and Responsibilities at MCCC can be found in the college's annual catalog available online on the college's website. 


有关最新的政策和程序,请访问我们的政策和程序页面, and browse the Students Series 3.00.

3.00 招生 Policy

3.00(a) Selection 程序 for Programs With Selective Admission

3.00(b) 程序 on Student Assessment

3.00(c) 程序 on Advanced Standing - Awarding of Credit

3.01 Student Physical Examination Policy

3.03 Policy for Student Participation in the Governance of the Institution

3.04 Student Government Constitution

3.05 学费和杂费 Effective Fall 2021

3.06 Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal Policy

3.07 Michigan Colleges Online (MCO) Policy (Formerly MCCVLC)

3.07(a) 程序 for Michigan Colleges Online (MCO)

3.08 Attendance Policy

3.09 Withdrawal From College


3.10(a) Academic Dishonesty 程序

3.10(b) Guidelines for Classroom Discipline

3.11 Trustee Merit Scholarships

3.11(a) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Trustee Merit Scholarships

3.11(b) Presidential Scholarships

3.11(c) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Presidential Scholarships

3.11(f) Performing Music Scholarships

3.11(g) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Performing Music Scholarships

3.11(h) Senior Citizen Scholarships

3.11(i) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Senior Citizen Scholarships

3.11(l) Scholarship Endowment Fund

3.11(m) C. Ernest Read Scholarship

3.11(n) Rules and Regulations for Awarding C. Ernest Read Scholarship

3.11(q)路易斯D. McClure Scholarship

3.11(r) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Lewis D. McClure Scholarship

3.11(s) Writing Fellow Scholarships

3.11(t) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Writing Fellow Scholarships

3.11(u) Miss Monroe County Pageant Scholarship

3.11(v) Rules and Regulations for Awarding Miss Monroe County Pageant Scholarship

3.11(w) 荣誉项目 Scholarship Policy

3.11(x) Rules and Regulations for Awarding the 荣誉项目 Scholarship

3.12 General Requirements for 毕业

3.12(a) Grading System

3.12(a) Advanced Placement

3.12(a) CLEP Program

3.12(b) Incomplete Course Work

3.12(c) Change of Schedule (Dropping/Adding Classes)

3.12(d) Awarding of Continuing Education Units (CEU's)

3.12(e) Honorary Degrees

3.12(f) General Education Requirements

3.13 Degree Program Requirements

3.14 Policy Concerning Guest Speakers

3.15 Guidelines on Speakers for Student Organizations

3.16 Guidelines for Student Groups and Activities


3.18 Student Employee Wage Rate

3.18(a) Rules and Regulations for Student Employees

3.19 Student Class Load and 就业

3.22 Guidelines for Book Returns/Disposition

3.23 Non-Immigrant Alien Students

3.24 Policy on the Use, Disclosure, and Disposal of Student Social Security Numbers


3.25 Short-Term Emergency Loans

3.26 Non-Institutional Scholarships, Grants, Loans and College Work-Study

3.27 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

3.27(a) Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)




3.31 Academic Forgiveness Policy

3.32 荣誉项目 Policy

3.32(a) 荣誉项目 Rules and Regulations

3.33 Student Complaint Policy



联系 Information

招生 & 指导办公室


Building / Office IconS-101
手机图标 (734) 384-4104


Summer 小时 (May 6 – Aug. 9)
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 12 p.m.